Saturday, March 26, 2005

What I'd like to do....

Back when I was registering voters awhile back, I encountered a lot of really terrible housing in this town. I would like to put pictures for comparison. Once I have a digital camera, I will. The situation is in some neighborhoods quite bad really. It doesn't help that the gang brats put up their illegiable and ugly graffiti. I had to paint out graffiti once. I will put my house on the list of houses the city can paint graffiti off of because they do that for free. If you DON"T do that did you know that as a landlord there is a $500 dollar fine? That totally pisses me off. The rotten gang brats and their idiot parents ought to be paying that not decent people who don't go around painting the houses of total strangers with obscenities.

Monday, March 07, 2005

I am so happy!

Lalalalala I am so happy lalalalala I am soooo Happy! lalalalala I am oh soooooo happy! lalalalalalaalalala I am so very very happy!!!
IF you believe this you never heard of the original Potemkin Selo! hahahahaahahahahahahahahahah

Sunday, March 06, 2005

OK I could not resist a new blog in an inspired moment

PotemkinSelo is the closest I could get to saying Potemkin Village, they didn't want me to have a Potemkin Village. Maybe someone else has one already. Still it is so descriptive of some aspects of my town in the Yakima Gulag that I'm going to start useing taht term.
hmm maybe it was political! hehe